Saturday 22 December 2007

my fight......

smalam tepon mama...ckap HB h ada sini , hr tones tiba2 change dr suka kpada total disgust...I know that she resent him.....thats the price for being an unwanted and unwelcome menantu..ckap kat HB...dia kata takpelah..give her time....InsyaAllah lama2 sejuklah hati dia...yang penting kita usaha utk berjaya......kuat betul semangat dia.....

semalam HB keje dr pkul 7pm -2am. Keje PT je...sbelum dpat keje permanent. Kitorang bkan org senang...mmg fully depend on scholarship...kalo tak berjimat mmglah haru.....kdg2 takut jgak tgk cara dia spend duit on unnecessary thing mcam for a 2nd PS2?apa relevantnya?nak main dgn kaki plak ke? ai kang kalo sound lebeh2..kena speku plak...kang ada yang meraung lagi.......

tsmalam sambil tgu dia balik msak karipap ikan....uishhhh....sedapnya...dh lama teringin nk mkan tapi tak rajin2 nak feeling much better and berazam nak siapkan assignment before coming christmas.....I'll prove to them that I can do much better and higher than their expectation.....It pays time....I'm not going to let them win...this is my battle...and I must fight for it.....after is not what others say that hurt you the is what your reaction towards it that count...'steven covey'


IBU said...

Hello there Secret Wifey,

Welcome to blogosphere! Thank u for dropping by my page. Itu tempat ibu tulis mcm2 family story, mainly about my kids - capturing the spontaneous colorful moments created by them as they grow up. Enjoying every bit of it. Mind you....3 boys! Uhuhuhu... Esok2 dah tua, memory pun dah lemau. hehe....

All the best to you in your study & pregnancy. I have to say this - enjoy every bit of it. It's a miracle given by Allah SWT to women only. All of friends who got pregnant during study days did nothing less than those who did not. They still succeeded with flying colors and are now doing well in their high flying jobs too. Setiap anak itu membawa rezeki tersendiri for the loving parents.

Oh well... enough for 1st time commenting.

Take care dear!

Anonymous said...

I believe now..things that wont kill you will only make you stronger....